Collection: Feng Shui

For those looking to improve their living spaces and bring more positive energy into their lives, Feng Shui products can be an excellent investment.

How to Feng Shui Your Life with Amazing Products

Feng Shui Products for Wealth and Prosperity

Who doesn’t want more money and abundance in their life? Feng shui can help you attract more wealth and prosperity by activating the southeast sector of your home or office. This is the area that corresponds to the element of wood and the color green in feng shui. Here are some of the best feng shui products for wealth and prosperity:

  • Money Tree: A money tree is a plant that has braided stems and round leaves that resemble coins. It is believed to bring good fortune and wealth to its owner. You can place a money tree in the southeast corner of your living room or office to activate the wealth energy. You can also hang some Chinese coins or red ribbons on the branches for extra luck.
  • Feng Shui Wealth Bowl: A wealth bowl is a container that is filled with various symbols of wealth, such as coins, bills, jewelry, gems, ingots and more. It is a powerful way to manifest more money and abundance in your life. You can place a wealth bowl on a table or a shelf in the southeast area of your home or office. You can also add some fresh flowers or fruits to the bowl to represent growth and abundance.
  • Feng Shui Wealth Ship: A wealth ship is a model of a sailing boat that is loaded with treasures and auspicious symbols. It is said to bring wealth and prosperity from all directions. You can place a wealth ship near the entrance of your home or office, facing inward. Make sure the ship is sailing into your space, not out of it. You can also place a wealth ship on your desk or near your cash register to attract more business and customers.

Feng Shui Products for Health and Well-being

Health is wealth, as they say. Feng shui can help you improve your health and well-being by enhancing the east sector of your home or office. This is the area that corresponds to the element of wood and the color blue in feng shui. Here are some of the best feng shui products for health and well-being:

  • Feng Shui Bamboo: Bamboo is a plant that symbolizes longevity, resilience and vitality in feng shui. It can also absorb negative energy and purify the air in your space. You can place a bamboo plant in the east area of your home or office to promote good health and well-being. You can also choose a lucky bamboo arrangement that has three, five or eight stalks for extra luck.
  • Feng Shui Salt Lamp: A salt lamp is a natural rock salt crystal that emits a warm glow when lit. It can create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere in your space. It can also cleanse the air from dust, allergens and electromagnetic radiation. You can place a salt lamp in the east area of your home or office to enhance your health and well-being. You can also place a salt lamp in your bedroom or living room to create a cozy and romantic ambiance.
  • Feng Shui Medicine Buddha: A medicine Buddha is a statue of a Buddha that holds a healing herb in his hand. He is the embodiment of compassion and healing in Buddhism. He can help you overcome illness, pain and suffering. You can place a medicine Buddha statue in the east area of your home or office to boost your health and well-being. You can also place a medicine Buddha statue near your bed or on your altar to invoke his blessings.

Feng Shui Products for Love and Relationships

Love makes the world go round, as they say. Feng shui can help you attract more love and harmony in your relationships by activating the southwest sector of your home or office. This is the area that corresponds to the element of earth and the color pink in feng shui. Here are some of the best feng shui products for love and relationships:

  • Feng Shui Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is a pink crystal that represents unconditional love, romance and beauty in feng shui. It can help you heal your heart chakra and attract more love into your life. You can place rose quartz crystals in the southwest area of your home or office to enhance your love and relationships. You can also wear rose quartz jewelry or carry rose quartz stones with you to radiate love wherever you go.
  • Feng Shui Mandarin Ducks: Mandarin ducks are a pair of ducks that mate for life and symbolize fidelity, loyalty and happiness in feng shui. They can help you attract or maintain a loving partner in your life. You can place mandarin ducks figurines in the southwest area of your home or office to activate your love and relationships. You can also place mandarin ducks figurines near your bed or on your nightstand to strengthen your bond with your partner.
  • Feng Shui Double Happiness Symbol: Double happiness is a Chinese character that consists of two identical characters for happiness joined together. It represents joy, harmony and bliss in feng shui. It can help you attract more happiness and fulfillment in your relationships. You can place double happiness symbol stickers, paintings or sculptures in the southwest area of your home or office to enhance your love and relationships. You can also hang double happiness symbol banners or lanterns during weddings or anniversaries to celebrate your union.